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Professional Goals

  • Obtain a career that embraces aspects of journalism such as communication, writing, personal interactions, and new advancements of media, particularly at a newspaper or a news station. This career should also include teamwork and leadership skills within the workplace.


    With this career, I would like to hold a position that is long term and secure, while also being able to develop new boundaries in my field.



  • Develop further software skills on both Mac computers and PC computer, along with gaining further knowledge about computers in general, such as coding and HTML

  • Acquire personal skills and development faster responses and questions while holding interviews with article sources.

  • Take the position as editor for the Washburn Review, having some sort of higher position, while also learning new important journalism skills that will advance my future career skills

  • Develop further networking connections on both campus and the community by attending not only journalism events, but other events that may lead me to a career in the years to come

Professional Goals

Download Full Professional Goals HERE

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